1. A full refund is available within 1 month, or a part refund or replacement within 12 months for a new battery with quality issues.
2. If there are any quality problems, a replacement for a new battery or a part refund is offered within 12 months, while a full refund can be obtained within 1 month.
3. Quality issues may result in a replacement for a new battery or a part refund within 12 months, with the option of a full refund within 1 month.
CE RoHS FCC certified: 100% brand new, function as original. Avoid overcharging, over-discharge, short circuit, high temperature, high humidity, internal overheating. Contains no Hg/Cd/Pb, no pollution, safer to use.
No memory effect: 3000mAh lithium-ion battery can be charged or discharged if needed without loss of capacity. Just like original battery for drills and hedge trimmers. Environmentally friendly, efficient, stable and bearable.